Sexual transmitted diseases(STDs)
The disease transmitted from one individual to another through the sexual contact is called sexually transmitted or veneral disease. Multiple partner for sexual interaction may lead to serious health problem and causes various veneral diseases. The diseases like syphilis, gonorrohea, AIDS are some examples of indisplined and halonhzard sexual behaviour. These diseases may be fetal or may create serious health problem.
Syphilis: syphilis is an acute and chronic infection caused by “spirochete or trepodema pallidum”. The disease is transmitted directly during sexual intercourse or congenitally by foetus in uterus. Syphilis is a common communicable disease with world-wide spread. It affects usually young teenage boys and girls. It is a social disease, more common in urban areas.
- It is by direct contact such as sexual intercourse and kissing during primary and secondary syphilis.
- Prenatal infection may occur after the 4the month of pregnancy through placenta of infected mother.
- Sometimes blood transfusion is also responsible for transmission of this disease.
- It may be transmitted indirectly through the infected articles such as clothes, towels, cups etc.
- The germs of syphilis may pass through cracks in skin or mucous membrane.
Primary stage:
It produces primary lesion, a score called a hard chancre. It is generally painless and can pass unnoticed.
- Enlargement of lymph gland in the groin.
- The chancre if left heals up leaving behind a scar. If treated, the disease is easily cured in the first stage.
Second stage:
- In untreated patients, the disease passes on to the second stage. The symptoms appear in 4 to 8 weeks after the chancre has disappeared without treatment. The usual symptoms are:
- Sore throat and skin rashes. This may cover only a part of the area or whole are of the body.
- Enlarged glands in the groin with fever.
- Pain in joints and headache will appear.
- The coppery patches on the palm are the special characteristic and differentiating feature from other rashes.
- Condylomata, loss of voice and loss of hair are seen.
- Enlargement of liver and spleen.
- These symptoms of second stage of syphilis will also disappear after a time with treatment. In case the disease is not treated, it becomes latent. This stage may last for years and the patient feel well.
Third stage:
In case the disease is not treated, manifestation of this stage starts usually after 4 to 5 years after infection. It may be seen.
- In the form of gumma.
- Manifestation of bone.
- Perforation of palate.
- Leukoplakin of the tongue.
- Degeneration of nerve cells and sometimes may cause paralysis, insanity or even blindness.
- Syphilis leads to abortion in pregnancy.
- Cardio-vascular system are affected leading to various manifestations.
- People should be told about the risk of the sexual promiscuity and irregular sex life.
- Sex education and marriage counseling are needed in the schools and colleges in order to remove the ignorance about sex.
- All obscene commercial advertisements, books and films should be prohibited.
- Develop healthy sexual life.
- Avoid illegal sexual contact.
- In case of any doubt, early diagnosis and prompt treatment is necessary.
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