Monday, October 4, 2010

Natural resources conservation

Man lives his life by using natural resources. These sources are to be mobilized rationally. Conservation of natural resources are to be made by man, realizing the dependence on the natural resources and animals and their interrelationship. It makes a deep relation between the natural resources and the creatures. Hence, the conservation of natural resources is essential.

Concept of natural resources conservation:
The natural surroundings around us, is called environment. The state of air, water, soil, mountain, plants, trees, creatures, etc, in the nature affects the human life. Natural vegetation, plants and trees and the creatures, binds and animals living in it and the air, water, soil, mountain, minerals, etc. are components of environment. Man gets air to breathe, food to eat, water to drink and all other requisites for daily life from environment. In fact, our life depends upon the environment. Hence, man has to keep balance with the nature. For this purpose, man should make best use of natural resources wisely, on the one hand, and to dispose of the waste materials with care, on the other.

The unwise activities of man and the excessive growth of population causing excessive burden on the natural resources, have had negative effect on the environment everywhere. The problems of soil erosion, flood, landslides, decline in agricultural productivity, etc. have taken place due to deforestation. Similarly, the unwise disposal of wastes, smoke, dust, etc. have increased pollution. To solve these problems and to save the existence of living things on the earth the conservation of environment has become indispensable. It simply means conservation of natural resources. To use natural resources with care without disturbing the balance of the environment is the real conservation of natural resources.

Impacts of human activities on natural resources:
Some of the important impacts made on natural resources by the human activities are as given bellows:
i)Impact of human activities on water.
ii)Impact of human activities on land.
ii)Impact of human activities on forest.
iv)Impact of human activities on pollution.
v)Impact of human activities on floods, landslides and soil erosion.
vi)Depletion of pastureland.
vii)Depletion of wildlife.


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