Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Meaning and definition of health education

The well being fo a nation depends on healthy citizes of that country. the country can't launch any developmental planning or work in the absence of healthy manpower.
health education begins with the start of life and extends throughout the span of existence, in home, school, and community health. every branch of community health has an educational aspect of health. in fact, community health is just health education, and every community health worker is a health educator. the objective of health education is 'to win friends and influence people'. although health education has unique characteristics in each of these settings, a common thread runs through them all, giving unity of purpose and of direction. this common thread may be thought of as the needs of individuals; needs that are the byproducts of life itself.
the term 'Health Education' means many things to many people. numerous individuals and groups have attempted to define it. for some,it is an educational force, or a process by which agents of education such as the teacher, nurse or parents exert their influence on individuals in such a way as to impress behaviour. for, others, it is the product of these forces, that is, th changes that occur in individuals.



helpless in understanding the concept


helpless in understanding the concept

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