Physical changes and development in adolescence
In adolescence marked external and internal physical changes takes places which have significant behavioral implications.
i) Changes in height: Almost all boys and girls show a spurt in growth during adolescence.
ii) Changes in weight: It is similar to that for height changes.
iii) Changes in bodily proportion: Different parts of the body grow at different rates and attains their maximum development at different times. Thus, the various parts of the body gradually comes into proportion.
iv) Changes of voice: voice of boys becomes hoarse and girls voice becomes sweet during adolescence.
v) Sex organs: Both male and female sex organs reach their mature size in late adolescence.
vi) Secondary sex characteristics: Secondary sex characteristics, such as the growth of breast, widening of the pelvis, pubic hair, hair in arm pit and menstruation can be observed in the girls, whereas in the case of boys hair appear on upper limbs, beard, public hair and hairs in arm-pit, etc. develop during adolescence.
vii) Physiological changes: The internal system of the body acquire their full growth. In fact, all these physical changes make the adolescence self conscious.
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