Thursday, September 30, 2010

Concept and introduction to natural resources

Nature has given us valuable resources like water, forests, wildlife, soil, air and minerals. All these are essential for our welfare and prosperity. Natural resources are the gifts of nature. Different types of natural resources are found in different places. Forest, animals and birds, air, water, sunlight, soil, minerals, mountains, pastures, etc. found in the environment are natural resources. Some of the natural resources are exhausted and some new resources have been found. Such process continues. For examples, old trees and plants, grass, etc. die. New trees and plants grow in that place.

Natural resources are the natural gifts which are formed by the earths natural processes. Soil, water, minerals, sun, air, fossil fuels, forest, grass, land and wildlife are the natural resources. Every resources has some utility. Nature has been kind to man. Ever since its appearance on the earths surface, man has been dependent on nature resources for his subsistence. All organism also depend on natural resources for their survival, reproduction, growth and development. Natural resources change with time and therefore their utility also gets changed.

Classification of natural resources
Natural resources can be categories into three types:

i)Renewable natural resources:
Some natural resources are used as food, some as raw materials and others as sources of energy. Some resources, such as plant and animals are replaced from time to time because they have a life-cycle and a continuous harvest is possible. Hence they are called renewable resources. For example, in the forest, old trees, grass and other vegetation die and get replaced by new vegetation.

ii)Non-renewable natural resources:
Some resources are not regenerated because they do not have a life cycle, so, they are termed as non-renewable natural resources. For examples, mineral deposits are formed slowly over millions f years and once used cannot be regenerated. Besides, some of the natural resources like coal, petroleum or metallic ores are said to be non-renewable.

iii)Exhausted natural resources:
The resources which don not get exhausted after large exploitation is called exhausted natural resources. As for example, solar energy, water tides and air. The solar energy is never ending resource and it will exist till there is sun. Air is the free gift of the nature but it polluted by many factors. The solar energy, air and water are free gift bestowed by the nature. Flowing water is also exhausted natural resources.

Important of natural resources

The most important natural resources are land, water, forest, sun, wildlife, air, mountain and minerals. People use those resources for their existence on the earth. Land supports the life system and we grow rice crop, maize crop, vegetables, fruit, etc. on land. We get wood for furniture, buildings and fuel, fodders for animals, medicinal plants from the forest. Wildlife and domestic animals and birds also depend on the vegetation of the land. All living creatures also depend on natural resources for the land. All living creatures also depend on natural resources for their survival, reproduction, growth and development. Water supports the life system of human beings, vegetation, animals and birds, living creatures and wildlife. Similarly, forest resources, wild life resources, pasture land resources and mineral resources are essential for our welfare, development and prosperity.

i)Source of fresh air and water:
natural environment is the source of air, water, etc. which are essential for all living and non-living things on earth.

the land, forest and water etc. are the shelter of various creatures. The insects have the shelter in soil. Similarly the shelter for amphibious is rivers, tanks and ponds etc.

the natural resources as mountains, rivers, small stream or rivulets, lakes, ponds, springs, vegetation, birds and animals increase the beauty of the country.

iv)Economic development:
to develop agriculture, trade and commerce etc. there is a need for natural resources such as forest products, minerals, animal products etc. it helps to the development of national economy of any country.

v)Tourism development:
the natural resources such as the mountains, hills, wild birds, animals, lakes, beautiful spots etc. attract the tourists. It helps to develop tourism.

vi)Sources of cereals:
the land, water and forest etc. are the important natural resources, which provides cereals to man, animals, birds and also to wild animals. Beside, man gets meat, hide and skins and other helps from animals.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Inter-relationship among various aspects of environment, population and health education

Due to the deep inter-relationship among health education, population education and environmental education, these are integrated and made into one subject. If these is any change in one of the related subject. If there is any change in one of the related subjects, the remaining two subjects are affected. As for example, the bad consequences of increased population affects the health and environmental aspect. Similarly, the decline in environment aspect makes difficult to live healthy life. As a result, there comes an obstacle to live a quality life. On the other hand, if healthy environment can be preserved, the positive effect is there on population and health. In the same way, if the population can be organized there will be positive effect on the health and environment. In this way, all these there subjects have become complementary to another. The following aspect are interrelated to environment, population and health education:

i)Physical aspect:
the physical aspects and man made aspects come under the physical aspect. Man produces various type of physical materials to satisfy numerous wants and desires. Thus, the developmental works like the construction of road, bridges, canals, industries, factories comes under the physical environment.

ii)Biological aspect:
various aspects health and population are related with the biological aspects of environment. Man gets food items from the natural vegetations and birds and animals of biological aspect. It helps to develop the standard of living of human beings.

iii)Social and cultural aspect:
man has social and cultural backgrounds. The customs, living standard, festivals, religious traditions etc. affect the health and the environment. It is necessary for us to build the tradition not to affect the environment with our social activities.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mental tension and their preventive measures

Adolescence is the period of life between 12 to 20 years of age but maturity usually comes when the age of 21 years is reached. This is the age of storm and stress. Adolescence is associated with many physiological and mental changes and is a time of great emotional upheaval. This is the age when the individual suddenly enters into a new situation, which may create the mental tension and stress. Therefore, it is necessary that their physical and mental tension and stress. Therefore, it is necessary that their physical and mental health should be properly maintained for active and healthy life. In order to prevent mental tension and stress, the following measures can be adopted:
i)Proper nutritional care, well-being and over-crowding will reduce the sub normality, to some extent.
ii)Right parenthood is most essential.
iii)The adolescence must be given the opportunities for the development of its own personally and mental health.
iv)Give right and healthy outlet of their potentialities.
v)Proper direction by the parents and teachers in order to harmonies the personality, is necessary.
vi)Proper atmosphere must be developed to encourage full development of intellectual and emotional personality.
vii)Youth welfare services, youth clubs, sex and education, and other voluntary organization should be provided.
viii)Proper use of leisure has an important influence on the mental well-being of adolescence.
ix)Recreational activities should be managed according to the nature of individuals.
x)Family cooperation, supports, and understanding may help to reduce the mental tension and stress.
xi)Sharing of ideas and deputing the responsibility may develop the confidence and reduce tension.
xi)Vocation guidance and counseling for suitable work and training may help to reduce the mental tension and stress.
xii)Avoid evil companions, sexy literature and use of alcohol and narcotics etc.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Importance of population education

Population education teaches the students to realize their responsibility regarding the population, situation of a family, a community, a country and the world. Besides, it helps to change their behavior. It also helps man to live a happy, better and quality life. Thus, population education is necessary to make the people aware of their duties and responsibilities and to make them act accordingly.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Smoking, alcohol and narcotic drugs

Smoking is very common in all over the world it is a psychological habit which is the most common form of addiction in society. The some of tobacco consists of a mixture of gases and various vaporized chemicals including vaporized nicotine, which is a toxic and habit forming substance.

Cause of smoking
The following are the cause of smoking:
i)influence of skillful advertising and image-making.
ii)lack of proper guidance and unhealthy friend circle.
iii)feeling of relaxation.
v)to reduce tension and to get relief from pain.

Alcohol acts as a sedative. It bottles up the disagreeable thoughts and sensations and produces a feeling of well being and happiness. But alcohol ort its misuse acts are slow poison. Beer, wines, and hard liquors are three common types of alcoholic drinks. Hard liquors include vodka, whiskey, gin, rum brandy etc.

Why do people drink alcohol????????
People may drink for a variety of social, cultural, religious or medical reasons. Some people drink alcoholic beverages as a party of other activities. They make moderate amount of alcohol at a party or other social occasions.
Following are the some reasons of drinking alcohols:
i)As a means to escape from reality.
ii)Some people drink to relax
iii)Pressure of colleagues.
iv)Influence of skilful advertising and image making.
v)Some may think drinking promotes sociability.

3)Narcotic drugs:
There are several narcotic drugs which have been of benefit to mankind when they were prescribed for use by a doctor. They are essential in modern medicine. Narcotic drugs are used by a doctor to deaden pain. They are effective as painkillers in the hands of a doctor because they diminish the sensitiveness of the brain. In fact drugs are chemical substances that cause change when taken into the body. The change may also affects a persons emotions or moods.
In modern society, the use of some narcotics to ward off worries is becoming very common. More and more young people are taking to drugs.

Causes of taking narcotic drugs
i)A person may experiment because his or her friends suggest it.
ii)To satisfy his curiosity.
iii)For the feeling of relaxation.
iv)To escape from difficult or unpleasant situations.

Cause and effects of population change

Factors responsible for change in population
Population increases with the increasing birth rate and decreasing death rate. Population also increases when the rate of immigration exceeds the rate of emigration.
Fertility, death and migration are taken as the indispensable factors of population change. Fertility increases the population whereas mortality decreases the population. Similarly, population increases or decreases due to migration. Therefore, the balance in population of any country or region is affected by these factors. The flow mode of population change is given below:
Population increases Population decreases
Births Death
Immigration Migration
Population increases due to births
and immigration Population decreases due to death and emigration.

Influential factors for population growth
The birth of a child increases the population of the related family, the village and the country. The birth is a prominent natural factor to bring change in population. The following are the factors which play important role to increase in birth rate.
A)Social factor
ii)Social customs and traditions.
iii)High infant and child mortality rate.
iv)Lack of health service and facility.
v)Lack of health education.
vi)Religious belief.
vii)Early marriage.
ix)Composition of family.
x)Universality of marriage.

B)Economic factors
i)Economic condition.
iii)Unemployment .

C)Environmental factors
The climate and natural condition are dominant factor under it. The climate of any country makes direct effect on fertility. Generally the fecundity of hot country is more than that of a cold country. Thus, the woman living in hot climate looks matured in low age than the woman of cold climate and they are able to bear pregnancy.

Factors for decrease in population

Death is an important natural cause to bring change in population. Death decreases the population. Though the death helps to reduce the problems of population increase, yet to decrease the population through death is not desirable on the humanitarian ground. Their may be several reasons for the decrease in population of different country.
The following factors are responsible for the decrease in population

Social factors
i) Illiteracy
ii) Disease
iii) Lack of the service and facility

Economic factors
i) Poverty and low standard of living
ii) Lack of nutritious food

Environmental factors
i) Climate
ii) Natural calamities:
The different kind of natural calamities such as earth quacks, flood, landslides, storm, volcano eruptions, acid rain etc caused a death of the people of any country in every year.

Source of pollutions

Pollution is caused by introduction of undesirable and harmful elements in our environment. Such undesirable elements may be poisonous substances, disease germs, smoke, dust and dirt particles, harmful bacteria etc. there are various type of sources responsible for pollution in the environment. The sources mainly responsible for the pollution are the following:
ii)Pesticides and insecticides.
iii)Chemical fertilizers.
viii)Poisonous filth.

Effects of pollution
Pollution affects the natural resources and creates the problems for the survival of human beings, wildlife, creatures, and other living organisms. It also affects the natural, cultural and physical beauty of the materials.
The effects of pollution can be classified as under:
1)It makes serious effect on all the living animals.
2)Creates the problem on all the living creature from their articles and shelters.
3)Destroy the natural beauty on plants, air, water and soil.
4)Pollutions are able to accelerate the deterioration of materials and construction of the physical beauty.

Effects of rapid population growth

Basic requirements of the people increase with the increasing population. Basic requirements of the people have to be supplied according to their needs. But the country has limited resources which cannot be increased. Therefore, it is difficult to supply needs and wants of all the people due to the limited resources and means. The growing population needs more fuel, timber, food, cloth and more facilities for education and health. The people over-exploit natural resources to their need s and wants. Over-exploitation of natural resources results in the environmental degradation. Society, culture, natural resources and economic development are affected by the growing population.

1)Environmental effects:
The environment of any area gets affected by size, composition and growth rate of population. There must be some balance between population growth and environment. The imbalance between them results in environmental degradation. Over population exist s there are more people than the available supplies of food, water and other important resources. The environmental effects includes deforestation, destruction of vegetation, adverse effect on marine life, effects on the terrestrial part of the whole earth surface, hampers all the living creature on the earth, air pollution occurs, water pollution occurs, quality of land falls, noise pollution, scarcity of mineral resources occurs, flood landslides and soil erosion takes place.

2)Social effects:
Social service is necessary to make the people healthy and educated. Only healthy people can work properly. Therefore, social service is required. Education , health treatment, sanitation, security etc. are included under the social service. These services are affected by the growing population.

3)Economic effects:
The rapid growth of the population adversely effect on the economic condition of the any country result it leads on lack of employment , scarcity of food grain and problems of proper housing may takes place.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Measures for healthy environment

The earth resources are excessively exploited in comparison to their regenerative capacity. at present, the forests are diminishing very much exerted because of improper utilization. water and air have been polluted from smoke, chemicals and pesticides. wild animals are in danger because of diminishing of species in biodiversity. the loss in the quality of soil from agriculture land has given series threat of food supply in many developing countries. the depletion in quality and condition of the natural resources is termed as environmental degradation. the growing human population and their greedy nature are responsible for such a situation. hence we should adopt proper measure for healthy environment management.
following measures should be followed:-
1 afforestation programme is to be undertaken in urban areas.
2 to develop proper drainage system in urban areas.
3 the plantation of new saplings in highways on both sides.
4 to check deforestation.
5 to locate industries and factories away from the city.
6 to make conservation of wild life.
7 to establish training institutes for environmental management.
8 to extract minerals in a scientific way.
9 to conduct meeting, symposium, seminar and debate regarding environmental through local bodies, NGOs and INGOs.

Importance of healthy environment
the human population has been dependent on environment since its appearance on the earths surface. the environment provides all the basic needs for a population to survive and to stay health. every individual needs food, clothing, shelter, water, air, light, soil, etc. for the survival and development.
we get food from plants and animals. plant grow on the soil by utilizing sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and nutrients of the soil. plants also provide materials for clothing and shelter. animals which we eat get food from plant. non-living environment also supplies water and oxygen to plants and animals including human beings. therefore, it is clear that the human population entirely depends on the environment.
everything that comes from the environments has some utility for man but its utilization is possible only on the understanding of the environment. the available natural gift of environment can be used but without damaging the environment. for example, we need oxygen for the respiration to survive. if we pollute the atmosphere, we will not get enough oxygen to respire.
growing population has been creating problems of forest destruction, soil erosion, flood, landslides,etc. due to these problems, the pressure on forest, soil, minerals etc has been increasing. over-exploitation of these resources may result in becomes difficult for the living organism to survive. therefore, including human beings. hence, it is very important for us to maintain a healthy environment.

Scope of population education

population education studies population situation and problems, and social and economic problems arising due to increase in population. population education also studies the relationship between pollution and population of the world.
sex education, family planning education and demography are not considered synonymous with population education but some elements of these are included in population education. population education is to be spread in both the formal and informal sectors.
the scopes of population education can be divided into five areas
1) Demography:
it is the study of population. it analyses population movement. the birth, deaths and migration are the elements of population. fertility, mortality and migration are called demographic processess. fertility rate, mortality rate, migration rate and population growth rate come under the area of demographic measurement
i)factors affection population:

ii)Demographic measures:
a)fertality rate
b)mortality rate
c)migration rate

iii)sources of demographic data:
a)population census
b)registration of birth, marriage and death

d)population density
e)dependency ratio
f)life expectancy

2)determinants of population growth:
the change in population means change in the number of people. fertility, mortality and migration of demographic processes come under this. biological, social and cultural factors which affect the demographic process are included in it:
iv)social, religious, cultural and economic aspects
v)values, traditions and beliefs.

3)effects of rapid population growth:
the economic development, food production, health, education and physical environment are affected by the pressure of rapidly growing population. the inter-relationship among population growth, economic development and social welfare come under this area:
i)economic development
ii)production of cereal crops
iv)health services
vii)natural resources

4)human sexuality and reproduction system:
the difference in body structure of male and female, the role of man and woman in the society, fertility system, sex development, biological, social and psychological aspects are included in this subject:
i)difference in the body structure of male and female
ii)structure and functions of productive organs of the body of male and female.
iii)sex development- biological, social and psychological aspects
iv)reproductive system
v)sex education
vi)role of male and female in the society
vii)marriage etc.

5) planning for future:
marriage, family life, family planning, family welfare, number of children, child spacing,etc. comes under this catagory. when to get marriage, when to bear the children,where to live and where to get work are the problems of this subjects:
ii)family life and family welfare
iii)size of family
iv)child spacing
v)health of child
vi)family planning
vii)care of child

Meaning and definition of health education

The well being fo a nation depends on healthy citizes of that country. the country can't launch any developmental planning or work in the absence of healthy manpower.
health education begins with the start of life and extends throughout the span of existence, in home, school, and community health. every branch of community health has an educational aspect of health. in fact, community health is just health education, and every community health worker is a health educator. the objective of health education is 'to win friends and influence people'. although health education has unique characteristics in each of these settings, a common thread runs through them all, giving unity of purpose and of direction. this common thread may be thought of as the needs of individuals; needs that are the byproducts of life itself.
the term 'Health Education' means many things to many people. numerous individuals and groups have attempted to define it. for some,it is an educational force, or a process by which agents of education such as the teacher, nurse or parents exert their influence on individuals in such a way as to impress behaviour. for, others, it is the product of these forces, that is, th changes that occur in individuals.

About environment, health and population education

health and population education are primary elements for the preservation and promotion of safe environment. in the same way, health, population and environment education help to produce health, alert and active humanpower. in fact, safe and healthy environment is necessary for the health and happiness of human beings. so, to protect and promote various environmental factors(like-air, wate, forest, residential area, etc) is the responsibilty and duties of every individual. thus, health, population and environment education are closely interrelated with each other, and the study of these subjects helps to create a healthy, active, safe and sound society. it can be achieved through the basic health knowledge, population management and promotion of safe environment.

concept of environment
the term 'environment' means surroundigs which include physical, chemical, biological, cultural and social conditions of nature. environment can be defined as all external conditions or influences under which an organism lives or develops. survival, reproduction,growth and developement of an organism are determined by the environment. the living organism are determined by the environment.the living organisms, e.g. plants, animals including human beings, and non-living organisms are found on the earth. none of the living organism can survive alone. the living organisms depend on each other and teh environment as a whole, to survive.

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