Smoking is very common in all over the world it is a psychological habit which is the most common form of addiction in society. The some of tobacco consists of a mixture of gases and various vaporized chemicals including vaporized nicotine, which is a toxic and habit forming substance.
Cause of smoking
The following are the cause of smoking:
i)influence of skillful advertising and image-making.
ii)lack of proper guidance and unhealthy friend circle.
iii)feeling of relaxation.
v)to reduce tension and to get relief from pain.
Alcohol acts as a sedative. It bottles up the disagreeable thoughts and sensations and produces a feeling of well being and happiness. But alcohol ort its misuse acts are slow poison. Beer, wines, and hard liquors are three common types of alcoholic drinks. Hard liquors include vodka, whiskey, gin, rum brandy etc.
Why do people drink alcohol????????
People may drink for a variety of social, cultural, religious or medical reasons. Some people drink alcoholic beverages as a party of other activities. They make moderate amount of alcohol at a party or other social occasions.
Following are the some reasons of drinking alcohols:
i)As a means to escape from reality.
ii)Some people drink to relax
iii)Pressure of colleagues.
iv)Influence of skilful advertising and image making.
v)Some may think drinking promotes sociability.
3)Narcotic drugs:
There are several narcotic drugs which have been of benefit to mankind when they were prescribed for use by a doctor. They are essential in modern medicine. Narcotic drugs are used by a doctor to deaden pain. They are effective as painkillers in the hands of a doctor because they diminish the sensitiveness of the brain. In fact drugs are chemical substances that cause change when taken into the body. The change may also affects a persons emotions or moods.
In modern society, the use of some narcotics to ward off worries is becoming very common. More and more young people are taking to drugs.
Causes of taking narcotic drugs
i)A person may experiment because his or her friends suggest it.
ii)To satisfy his curiosity.
iii)For the feeling of relaxation.
iv)To escape from difficult or unpleasant situations.
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