Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Inter-relationship among various aspects of environment, population and health education

Due to the deep inter-relationship among health education, population education and environmental education, these are integrated and made into one subject. If these is any change in one of the related subject. If there is any change in one of the related subjects, the remaining two subjects are affected. As for example, the bad consequences of increased population affects the health and environmental aspect. Similarly, the decline in environment aspect makes difficult to live healthy life. As a result, there comes an obstacle to live a quality life. On the other hand, if healthy environment can be preserved, the positive effect is there on population and health. In the same way, if the population can be organized there will be positive effect on the health and environment. In this way, all these there subjects have become complementary to another. The following aspect are interrelated to environment, population and health education:

i)Physical aspect:
the physical aspects and man made aspects come under the physical aspect. Man produces various type of physical materials to satisfy numerous wants and desires. Thus, the developmental works like the construction of road, bridges, canals, industries, factories comes under the physical environment.

ii)Biological aspect:
various aspects health and population are related with the biological aspects of environment. Man gets food items from the natural vegetations and birds and animals of biological aspect. It helps to develop the standard of living of human beings.

iii)Social and cultural aspect:
man has social and cultural backgrounds. The customs, living standard, festivals, religious traditions etc. affect the health and the environment. It is necessary for us to build the tradition not to affect the environment with our social activities.


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